Minerageny, mineral and resourсe potential of the Karelian Arctic
Systematized evidence for hard useful minerals in the Louhi, Kem and Belomorsk districts of the Republic of Karelia, included into the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation by RF Presedient’s Decree of 27 June, 2017, are reported. The geological and mineragenic characteristics of this territory are discussed. Arctic Karelia’s mineral potential, which comprises metallic (Mo, Cu, Au, Ag, Ni, Pt, Pd, U and rare metals) and nomentallic useful minerals (diamond, apatite, garnet, graphite, ilmenite, carbonate rocks, quartz, feldspar, kyanite, muscovite, olivinite, duite, etc.) are described. Arguments in favour of the industrial production of various types of minerals in Arctic Karelia are presented.
Keywords: Fennoscandian Shield, Precambrian, Arctic zone of the Republic of Karelia, mineral and resource potential, minerageny, noble metals, industrial minerals.