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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents

T.V. SAPELKO, A.V. TEREKHOV (Institute of Limnology RAS), A.V. AMANTOV (VSEGEI)

Ladoga transgression: reconstruction of the final stage and consequent decline in the northern part of the lake

Level of Lake Ladoga has changed for several times after its basin got free from glacier and ­during the Holocene. The last transgressive stage which is called Ladoga transgression ended around 3 thousand years BP. Different points of view, concerning the duration of lake level drop, exist. These estimates include either “catastrophic” scenarios or several centuries duration. In this article, evidences for longstanding level fall are shown. Based on paleolimnologic data, several lake level trends for key areas were calculated and illustrated by series of paleomaps.
Keywords: Lake Ladoga, Holocene, paleolimnology, isostasy, transgression, paleogeographic reconstructions.
