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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


Updating the age and paleogeographic conditions of forming the Marekan Fm. (Neogene), the North Okhotsk area

The differentiation results of the Neogen Marekan Formation and its subformations based on reconstruction of paleogeographical conditions, conjunction of palynological, paleocarpological complexes and malacofauna to climatic and eustatic fluctuations determined in the Okhotomorsk region. The lower subformation is correlated with climatic optimum of the beginning of the Middle Miocene and referred to the Upper Il’dikilyakh subhorizon. The medium subformation formed in the conditions of cooling and marine transgressions of the Middle Miocene, enters in the volume of the Silgenskiy horizon. On the cusp of the Middle – Upper Miocene during the Upper Marekan subformation creation some climate warming gave place to cooling. Subformation tops correspond to the beginning of the Khapchanian time (Late Miocene).

Keywords: Marekan Formation, Miocene, carpoflora, palynocomplex, climatic optimum.
