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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents

E.A. SADIKHOV (VSEGEI), A.A. VELIEV, A.A. BAIRAMOV, S.M. MAMEDOV, D.R. IBRAGIMOV (Azerbaijan International Mining Company Limited)

Isotope geochemical characteristics (Sm-­Nd, Rb-­Sr, S) and U-­Pb SHRIMP II the age of the Gedabek intrusive (Azerbaijan)

The Gadabek intrusion is one of the largest porphyry copper and Au-­Ag epithermal deposits in Azerbaijan, for which are presented the latest isotope­geochemical studies, including zircon dating (U­-Pb SHRIMP II), the definition of 147Sm /143Nd, 87Rb/86Sr ratios, as well as stable isotopes of S. Interpretation of the formation of sulfide minerals based on sulfur isotopes, which showed that the sulfur in the fluid had reduction condition and a dominant hydrosulfide form. The rocks show typical subduction­related magmatism. They are enriched in large­ion lithophilic elements: K, Rb, Ba and U, Th. The prevalence of LREE over HREE, negative Ta-­Nb anomaly and positive Pb. All samples are characterized by low 87Sr/86Sr, relatively high 144Nd/143Nd ratios and positive values of εNd=+5…+6. On the basis of geochemical and isotope­-geochemical data, argues that the possible mantle source occurred from mantle edge with an age of crystallization of 144 Ma (Early Cretaceous, Berriasian stage).
Keywords: U-­Pb age, Lesser Caucasus, isotope geochemistry.
