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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents

I.M. ZADOROZHNY (Rosgeolfond), L.R. KOLBANTSEV (CRE Museum), N.F. MIRKERIMOVA (MSLU named after O.E. Kutafina)

On principles of forming core funds of state specialized core repositories affiliated to the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources and its territorial bodies

The article analyzes fundamental legal principles and organizational framework for the formation of a network of state specialized core storage facilities affiliated to the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (hereinafter – Rosnedra) and its territorial bodies. Information on the core storage system in Russia, the classification of core storage facilities are given. Fundamentals of organizational and legal regulation are discussed and principles for the formation of core collections (funds), including state specialized core storages, are proposed.
Keywords: geological study, geological information on mineral resources, mineral resources, RF Law “On Mineral Resources”, geological information fund, core, core fund, core storage, specialized core storage.
