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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents

B.A. ZAITSEV (VSEGEI), V.V. ARKAD’EV (Institute of Earth Sciences of SPbGU)

New data on the Lower Jurassic ammonites of the Bodrak River Basin (Southwestern Crimea)

Lower Jurassic ammonites Dactylioceras (Orthodactylites) semicelatum (Simpson), Dactylioceras (Dactylioceras) ex gr. commune (Sowerby), Arnioceras ex gr. ceratitoides (Quenstedt), Angulaticeras (Boucaulticeras) dumortieri (Fucini), Angulaticeras sp. and Eleganticeras (?) sp. from the zone of tectonic melange (“Eskiordinsky series”) and flysch of the Tauriс series of the Bodrak River Basin were described. The first three species have been identified in this area for the first time. Representatives of the Angulaticeras and Arnioceras genera are typical of the Sinemurian stage, the Dactylioceras and Eleganticeras (?) genera for the lower substage of the Toarcian stage. Some of the described ammonite species correspond to the zones established in Western Europe: A. (B.) dumortieri to the Lower Sinemurian Oxynotum zone, D. (O.) semicelatum to the Lower Toarcian Tenuicostatum zone. In addition, the D. (D.) ex gr. commune suggests the correlation with the Lower Toarcian of the Northeast of Russia, Northern Alaska, Arctic Canada, Spitsbergen archipelago and South America.
Keywords: Mountain Crimea, Lower Jurassic, ammonites, monographic description.
