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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


Opening archives. History of the discovery of the rich Nittis­-Kumuzhya­-Travyanaya copper-­nickel ore deposit (Monchegorsk ore field, the Kola Peninsula) by V.K. Kotul'skiy
To the 140th anniversary of V.K. Kotul'skiy

The published archive essay was written in the autumn of 1937, immediately after the discovery of the Nittis-­Kumuzhya­-Travyanaya deposit by V.K. Kotulsky, an outstanding geologist, who had a hard and tragic life. Under extremely difficult conditions of political repression and limited resources, he could successfully manage geological surveys in Monchetundra. As a result, a unique deposit of rich ores was discovered. On its basis, the Severonickel Plant began to operate and the city of Monchegorsk was built. The essay analyzes factors that negatively influenced the work effectiveness. The conclusions made by the author have been relevant for the entire geological industry up to date. The essay is provided with comments of V.V. Sholokhnev, the author­-compiler, who was engaged in geological exploration in the Monchegorsk ore field in the 1990s.
Keywords: Monchetundra, Nittis-­Kumuzhya­-Travyanaya, Monchegorsk ore field, Severonickel Plant, copper-­nickel ores, history of geology, purged geologists.
