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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


Proterozoic Metallogeny (2.5–0.65 Ga): geodynamics of the Earth (supercontinent cycle) and ore forming processes

Proterozoic ore deposits, such as orogenic Au, volcanogenic sulfide, porphyry Mo­Cu­Ag and Pb­Zn sedimentary­exhalative deposits (Zavar, state of Rajasthan, India) were formed during the assembly of the Pangea Proterozoic supercontinent, which some researches also name as Columbia. The ~1.9 Ga global­scale events expressed in the introduction into the continental crust of mafic­ultramafic melts related to the mantle upwelling played a significant role in the formation of Ni­Cu sulfide, Fe­Ti­V, and PGE deposits. Destruction of the continental crust, formation of sedimentary basins and intracratonic anorogenic magmatism were caused by breakup phases of the supercontinent around 1.5–1.2 Ga. Formation of some major deposits, such as hydrothermal­magmatic iron oxide­copper­gold (e.g. Olympic­Dam), Pb­Zn and Cu­sandstone stratified, Sn and U unconformity­type deposits is confined to these phases.
Keywords: metallogeny, Proterozoic, supercontinental cycle, Pangea.
