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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


The history of the formation of southern East­Siberian sea shelf thrust­and­fold zone. Results of the comprehensive seismic and geological data interpretation

The tectonic boundaries of the Anuy, Rauchuan, Chaun­-Chuckchi and Wrangel folded zones were constrained offshore the Northern Chukotka folded area as a result of the comprehensive analysis of the geological and geophysical data. Five structural levels were revealed in the geological cross-­section: Ellesmerian, Chuckotian, Beaufortian, Cretacious, and Cenozoic. The polystage tectonic history of the faults formation was suggested. The Pegtymelskaya sub­meridional shear zone separating the structures of the Wrangel and Chukchi zones was identified for the first time. The Billings regional fault established by seismic data is considered to be the northern distribution boundary of the Early Cretaceous granitoids of the Chukchi Orogeny and is located on the continuation of the Kobuk suture zone (Alaska). In the central part of the shelf, a system of Epielsmere (?) pull­-apart pools (Dremhed, Baranovsky, and Denbars) formed in the Late Cretaceous submeridional transtensia is distinguished.
Keywords: East­-Siberian Sea, Verkhoyano­-Chukotka Orogeny, fold and trust deformation front, strike-­slip deformations, seismic analysis.
