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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents

E.А. DANILOVA (OC “Gazprom dobycha Orenburg”)

Near­fault flower­shaped structures in the southwestern Orenburg Region

Tectonic structure of the southwestern Orenburg Region has been studied more precisely based on the reinterpretation of regional seismic time sections using the author’s target­oriented methodological techniques for identifying tectonic disturbances. It was concluded that the Orenburgskoye, Dimitrovskoye, Krasnoyarskoye, Chernigovskoye, Peschanoye, Nagumanovskoye, Kzilobinskoye, Staroklyuchevskoye, Terektinskoye, Akobinskoye, Sovhoznoye, Rozhdestvenskoye, Zapadno-­Rozhdestvenskoye, Novopavlovskoye oil-­and-­gas fields are near­fault horst­-shaped uplifts. It is suggested that during the Meso-­Cenozoic, the southwestern part of the Orenburg Region underwent shear deformations to form flower-­shaped structures in tectonically weakened zones. Recommendations are given for further hydrocarbon exploration in the study area.
Keywords: southwestern Orenburg Region, reinterpretation of regional seismic time sections, shear deformations, flower-­shaped structures, oil-­and­-gas fields.
