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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents

M.R. ZHURAEV (SE «Institute GIDROINGEO», Uzbekistan)

Methodological guidelines for identifying areas promising for hydrogen sulfide water

The article describes the development of guidelines for identifying areas promising for hydrogen sulfide water within artesian basins. In order to do that, it is necessary to determine the specific natural­-geological setting in compliance with the developed methodological provisions. It is recommended to conduct studies without expensive field and drilling operations based on information obtained in previous years. All geological (lithological-­facies, geological-­structural, hydrodynamic, geothermal and geochemical) studies are based on results of geological exploration drilling and interpretation of results of geophysical surveys (seismic exploration, electrical exploration and thermometry) performed during the exploration of oil and gas fields.
Keywords: artesian basin, oxidative reaction, water pressure system.
