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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


Geothermodynamic model of the supposed paleozone of lithospheric subduction in the Black Sea Basin and its relation to the metal genesis zonation of the Crimea and the Caucasus

The angle of the mantle wedge and rate of subduction of the eastern part of the Black Sea paleolithospheric microplate under the lithosphere of the Russian Platform (Crimean-Caucasian region) is assessed based on new data on convective heat efflux from the mantle wedge to 2D anomaly of the heat flow observed in the rear of the Mountainous Crimea and in the Caucasus. Ascending convective movements in the mantle can carry up mantle calc-alkali magmas (with the metals in them) to the day surface, and, so, ore deposits probably have to be confined to the zones in the lithosphere, which are located above Karig-Richter convective flows.
Keywords: geothermodynamic model, rate of lithosphere subduction, Karig-Richter convective flows, heat flow, mantle rheology, metallogenic zones.
