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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


Paleontological discoveries of A. P. Karpinsky in the exposition of the Academician F. N. Chernyshev Central Geological Research Museum

Alexander Karpinsky made a great contribution to Russian paleontology. Three of his monographs:
«On Artinskian Ammonoids and Some Similar Carboniferous Forms», «On Edestid Remains and Their New Helicoprion Genus» and «On Trochiliscids», became classical. In the first of them, he was the first to apply a new ontogenetic research method to a whole group of fauna, which allowed him to distinguish the Artinskian stage of the Permian system. In the second, he determined a new genus of shark-like fossils – Helicoprion, which possessed an unusual spiral-shaped dental apparatus, and created the first reconstruction of its habitus. In the third work devoted to problematic remains – trochiliscids, he determined their systematic position, genetic relationships and the possibility of using them for dating deposits that was confirmed by subsequent studies.
Keywords:ammonoids, Artinskian stage, shark-like follsils, helicoprion, spiral-shaped dental apparatus, trochiliscids, charophytes.
