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Russian Geological Research Institute
Laboratory and analytical service
Central laboratory

Central laboratory


The Central Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as the CL or Laboratory) is the Karpinsky Institute structural subdivision functioning in accordance with the Central Laboratory Regulations. In its activities, the Central Laboratory is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, State Standards, Industry Standards and other regulatory and technical documents.

The Central Laboratory:

The Central Laboratory staff consists of 45 people having degrees in geology and chemistry. The CL Head is Galina Oleinikova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences (tel. 328-90-90 ext. 2260). The Deputy Head responsible for the production is Aleksey Balaev (tel. 328-90-90 ext. 2266).
All the CL activities are supervised by Sergey Shevchenko, the Deputy Director General - Head of the Laboratory and Analytical Service (tel. 328-90-90 ext. 2009).
The Central Laboratory includes the following units:

The Karpinsky Institute Central Laboratory is currently accredited by the Association of Analytical Centers "Analitica" for technical competence and independence as concerns quantitative analysis of water (natural, waste), soil (total, mobile and acid-soluble forms), crop products and plant samples (grass, leaves, fir needles, etc.), silicate rocks, minerals, ores, bottom sediments, building materials in accordance with GOST R ISO/IEC 17025 – 2009 requirements.

The accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00264 is valid until April 27, 2020.

Since 1999, the Karpinsky Institute CL has been a full member of the International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG), which unites more than 200 laboratories from different countries, including leading ones in terms of analysis of mineral raw materials: Great Britain, France, the USA, Canada, Germany, Japan. Association President is Dr. Michael Wiedenbeck (GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany).

All analyzes are performed by the CL according to the approved industry or state methods, as well as according to the methods of the enterprise, which have passed metrological certification.
The correctness of the results is guaranteed by the use of state standard samples of the composition, a large collection of which (over 260 items) is available at the Laboratory, as well as a rigid system for monitoring the quality of analysis results.

Quick Response Quality Control

Quick Response Quality Control of analytical determinations is carried out using the Metrology Engineer Workplace software developed in our Laboratory. The programme is based on main industry standards for analytical work quality management: 41-08-205-04; 41-08-212-04; 41-08-214-04; 41-08-252-04; 41-08-262-04; 41-08-264-01 - 41-08-269-04, 41-08-270-04, and allows for operational control of the laboratory precision of analytical results for each sample batch. According to the accumulated results of the analysis of ciphered routine samples and state standard samples of the composition, the accuracy and precision of the applied analysis methods are evaluated and the error equation (statistical control) is compiled. The vast majority of quantitative determinations are performed according to the third category of accuracy. For individual definitions, it is possible to increase the accuracy to the second and first categories (on supplementary agreement).

Participation in international Proficiency Testing Programmes

The main objective of these programmes is to enable each participant to identify errors, often unexpected, in its work and evaluate as compared with results of other laboratories. Participation in such programmes is closely monitored and encouraged by accreditation bodies for laboratories and testing centres as a necessary condition for accreditation and as an indicator of the professionalism of the laboratory (GOST R ISO/IEC 17025-2009, “Recommendations for standardization” R-50-4.006.2002). Such participation is considered mandatory for certified laboratories, and it is an integral part of the laboratory image both in professional environment and for potential customers.

The Central Laboratory continuously participates in:
- since 1997 - in the ISE (International Soil-Analytical Exchange) programme, the Netherlands, for soil analysis; four rounds per year, four samples every three months;
- since 1999 - in the GeoPT (Geochemical Proficiency Testing) programme, the UK, for the analysis of rock samples; two rounds per year, two samples every six months;
- since 2006 - in the G-Probe programme, the USA, on microanalysis; two rounds per year, two samples every six months;
- since 2008 - in the IPE (International Plant-Analytical Exchange) programme, the Netherlands, for the analysis of plant material; four rounds per year, four samples every three months;
- since 2011 - in the Round Robin programme (Geostats Pty Ltd), Australia, for the analysis of rocks, ores, coal for the content of gold, silver, sulphur and base (basic sulphide) metals; two rounds per year, fifty-seven samples every six months;

The CL widely uses the material samples analyzed based on these Programmes to correct calibration and control the quality of analysis results along with state and industry standard samples of rock and ore compositions.
The Karpinsky Institute CL is a regular participant in Geoanalysis conferences held by the IAG Association for a wide exchange of information on analysis methods and applied metrology.

Participation in comparative tests conducted in the Russian Federation (OOO NTTs MinStandard, FGBU VIMS)

The Central Laboratory constantly participates in periodical interlaboratory comparative tests in certain areas of analysis: in analysis for Au and REE contents in rock and ore; carbon and sulfur, non-ferrous metal contents in ore, etc.

According to the results of testing, the the Karpinsky Institute Central Laboratory constantly confirms the high quality of its analytical work and is one of reliable and stable laboratories participating in Test Programmes as evidenced by regular invitations to participate in the certification of international standard samples both domestic (state standard reference samples of sulphide ore from Norilsk for noble metals, sulfur, copper, silver) and international, prepared and presented by Canada, Austria, Mongolia, Great Britain, Germany.
