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Russian Geological Research Institute
Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Information for Authors

Regional Geology and Metallogeny


Procedure for submitting, reviewing and publishing manuscripts

I. The manuscript should correspond to the journal specialization.
A positive review is not a cause for publishing the manuscript.

II. The editors review all manuscripts submitted to the editorial office of the journal. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials. The final decision is made by the Editorial Board, based on results of the independent peer review.
Reviews are kept at the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.
Manuscripts requiring revising are sent back to the authors.
The editors of the journal send the authors of rejected manuscripts a notice with the reasons for refusal.
Upon request, the editors send a copy of the review to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Manuscripts rejected by the Editorial Board are not returned to the authors.

In preparing the manuscript, authors should follow the rules given below:

1. The manuscript (with the UDC index) must be submitted on electronic media (CD, e-mail, Web) in Microsoft Word format with the mandatory attachment of one printed copy on A4 paper. The printout should fully comply with the electronic version. Font is Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, paragraph indent 1.25 cm, total-fit formatting, all margins of 20 mm. In case of multiple author’s files, a list of all files with their titles and contents should be attached.

2. The maximum volume of the manuscript is one printer’s sheet, including tables and graphics, Manuscript pages should be numbered.

3. Abstract (no more than 10 lines) and keywords (no more than 5–7) in two languages (Russian and English) should be attached to the manuscript.
Note. One printed sheet of text is 40 thousand characters (including spaces). The printed sheet of graphic materials is 3,000 cm2. Headings in the manuscript can be centered. Bold or italics are admitted. Quotation marks of the same type should be used for the entire text. Complex formulas or characters missing in the Times New Roman should be written manually. Equation 2.0 is recommended for mathematical formulas and chemical symbols. Only those formulas that are referenced in the subsequent text should be numbered.

4. There should be maximum four tables in the manuscript. Tables should have a heading without abbreviations (font size 9, single-spaced). The maximum size of the tables should not exceed the journal page of 25x16 cm.
Tables of the same type should be constructed in a similar way.

5. The number of figures should not exceed five (resolution 300 dpi, 1-bit, 8-bit for black and white line and grayscale images, 24-bit for colour images). The size of manuscript figures should not exceed the size of the journal page (25x16 cm). Slides and negatives are not accepted. Each figure should be submitted as a separated file (not embedded in Word!) without compression in the following formats: *.cdr (graphic editor Corel Draw up to version 15), Encapsulated Post Script (*.eps), TIFF (*.tif). Diagrams should be prepared in a graphics program, but not in Microsoft Office. Photos should be at least 300 pixels per inch. The sizes of letters and numbers in the figures should be at least 2 mm, linewidth of figures is at least 0.2 mm.
Colour graphic materials should be oriented to four-colour printing (C - cyan, M - magenta, Y - yellow, K - black) and the entire CMYK palette should be used. PANTON paints are not permitted. When preparing figures in any program, set the black colour of the font and lines as 100% Black.
When using special fonts, the author submits them electronically to the editors simultaneously with all the materials or converts them on figures in curves.

6. Inserts (tables and figures of large sizes) are not accepted.

7. Tables, figures and figure captions to them should not be included in the text, and submitted as separate files, printing is made on separate pages.

8. Figures (sketches) and tables are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. The number of the figure and the table should be pencilled on the left margin of the printout once at the place of the first reference.

9. All the captions are collected in a separate text file.

10. References (no more than 10–20 titles) should be arranged in alphabetical order and numbered: first, all in Russian and in languages with a similar alphabet (Ukrainian, Bulgarian), then in the Roman alphabet. Cited references should be presented in two languages - Russian and in the Roman alphabet (Latin). Works of Russian authors published in other countries should be given in the list of foreign works.
Reference in the text is given to the index number in square brackets.
The list of references should be compiled in accordance with GOST R 7.05–2008 “Bibliographic reference”.
Attention! In the reference to the book in the Roman alphabet, the transliteration and translation (in square brackets) of the title should be given.
Names of foreign journals should be transliterated, titles of articles only translated. The link to an electronic source is issued as a full-text link with the access date in parentheses (for example: 07.28.2014).
References to unpublished works (reports, extended abstract of dissertations, etc.) are not allowed.

11. The manuscript should be signed by the author(s) before the list of references.

12. The manuscript should be accompanied by information about all the authors in two languages, Russian and English: surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position, affiliation, institution location (mailing address), e-mail.

13. Manuscripts from foreign authors are accepted and published in English. Surname, first name, manuscript title, abstract, keywords, references should be presented in two languages, English and Russian.

14. Manuscripts should have a supporting letter form the institution, a review and an examination certificate (for Russian-language manuscripts) with a permission to publish it in press.

15. When writing manuscripts, authors are asked to use terms and concepts in meanings given in the following publications:
Glossary of Geology. Translation from English/ Edited by N.V. Mezhelovsky. M.: Geokart, 2002.
Russian Metallogenic Dictionary/ Edited by A.I. Krivtsov. SPb.: VSEGEI Press, 2003.
Geological Dictionary. 3rd edition. In three volumes/ Editor-in-chief O.V. Petrov. SPb.: VSEGEI Press, 2010–2012.

16. Authors (including post-graduate students) are not subject to a charge for publication.

17. Fees are not paid.

Publishing Ethics

Editorial office address: VSEGEI, 74 Sredny pr., 199106, St. Petersburg, Regional Geology and Metallogeny.
Editorial office phone: +7 (812) 328-90-90 (ext. 2323, 2424).
E-mail: izdatel@vsegei.ru . (O.N. Alekseeva).
