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Russian Geological Research Institute


History of GeolCom – TsNIGRI – VSEGEI is sketched. Unique historical events influenced the development of these institutions, which is reflected in the special stages that are consistent with the periods of world wars and revolutionary restructuring in the economic relations in the country. Changes in the structure of institutions and the thematic focus of work did not occur spontaneously, but in accordance with the tasks that arose for the community in the regional geological study of the country, creation of the raw material base and its use.
Such a peculiar “chronological table” on particular factual material gives the reader an idea of the main historical stages in the development of one of the leading A.P. Karpinsky Russian (until 1992, All-Union) Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI) originates from the first state geological institution in Russia, the Geological Committee, which was established thanks to the long-term efforts of famous Russian geologists: G.P. Helmersen, G.D. Romanovsky, N.P. Barbot-de-Marni, V.G. Erofeev, A.A. Inostrantsev, A.P. Karpinsky, V.I. Moeller, Yu.Ir. Polovinkina, I.M. Pokrovskaya, E.O. Pogrebitsky, V.A. Obruchev, S.N. Nikitin, D.V. Nalivkin, L.S. Librovich, N.G. Kassin, I.I. Gorsky, A.A. Borisyak, K.I. Bogdanovich, Yu.A. Bilibin и других.

  • Early period of GeolCom (1882–1917) (organization of a systematic geological study of the country)

  • Soviet period of GeolCom (1918–1929) (economic recovery and the beginning of the country's industrialization)

  • TsNIGRI period (1931–1938) (the era of five-year plans and accelerated industrialization of the country)

  • VSEGEI activities in the prewar and war years (1939–1945) (completion of accelerated industrialization and the transition of the country's economy to military tracks)

  • Head research institute of the USSR Ministry of Geology in the field of regional geology and minerageny (1946–1959) (recovery period and beginning of the intensive development of the country's economy)

  • Task of ensuring the accelerated growth of proven mineral reserves in comparison with the rates of their consumption by the developing industry (1959–1986)

  • Years of perestroika, political and economic reforms (1987–1999)

  • 300 years of mining and geological survey of Russia. Present time (since 2000)

  • Яндекс.Метрика